Make sure you are trying to log in using the email address that you signed up with. If you're unsure which email address you used, try finding our welcome email in your inbox by searching for noreply [ at ] bgmc-station [ dot ] com.
If you still are having problems, we recommend that you reset your password. Simply:
- Go to
- Fill in your email address. Make sure you are trying to log in using the email address that you signed up.
- An email is sent to you with instructions on how to choose a new password. The email is sent instantly, so check your spam or trash folder if you don't receive it within a couple of minutes.
If you never receive an email from us, you might have entered the wrong email address when you signed up. Contact us and we'll help you update your information. - Since the URL for setting a new password is described in the mail, please click on there and enter the password to be newly set twice.